The Pokemon World Championships took place this past weekend and the winning strategies were absolutely crazy. The tournament winners in the Video Game Championship (VGC) and the Trading Card Game (TCG) both used unexpected strategies to pull down thousands of dollars in prize money. Here's what went down.
While most players win through a combination of smart team building and well-executed strategy, this year’s champion won took advantage of a new format and won through a series of complicated Pokemon switches unlike anything we’ve seen before. Switching might not sound like a game-winning tactic, so let us explain.
For the 2016 season of the competitive Pokemon VGC, formerly restricted Legendary Pokemon like Mewtwo and Rayquaza were allowed on pro players’ teams. Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and Rayquaza quickly rose up as the biggest threats because they have ultra-powerful abilities that drastically alter weather and therefore seriously mess with attack power and/or effectiveness. When one of these Pokemon enters the battlefield, their weather effect takes over, so players have to strategically switch into their Pokemon of choice so the weather always benefits their team and cancels out the opponent’s. Suffice it to say, matches this season involved a lot of switching.
This played perfectly to the strengths of two-time US National Champion Wolfe Glick.
Wolfe is known for playing pretty defensively — think the exact opposite of how you might have played Pokemon as a kid, using an overleveled Charizard to smash through the game brute-force style. It’s not what Pokemon he uses in battle but how he uses them. In the semi-finals, he beat a player with the exact same team, which is a testament to his ability to masterfully out-maneuver his opponent.
Wolfe’s team not only had a lot of ways to mess with his opponents but the ability to preserve and protect his Kyogre, which other players with similar teams struggled with. Both his Raichu and his Hitmontop carried the threat of Fake Out, which causes the target to flinch and lose their turn to attack. It only works on the first turn the Pokemon is out, so a big part of what made Wolfe so successful was exchanging Raichu and Hitmontop constantly, threatening Fake Out every single turn. That’s just something you don’t normally see.
To make this even easier, Hitmontop held the item Eject Button, which automatically switches it out upon being hit, and Raichu had the move Volt Switch, which — you’d never guess — switches it out following an attack. It’s a switching strategy turned up to 11, and as a result Wolfe had full control of the field.
In the first match of the final, Wolfe was able to show off the utility of his Raichu. Wolfe’s opponent, Jonathan Evans, had a Kyogre with Thunder, and Wolfe’s Raichu had the ability Lightning Rod, which absorbs all Electric-type moves so they don’t hit its partner on the field. Wolfe correctly predicted when Jonathan would try to use Thunder on his Rayquaza and managed to switch Raichu in on that same turn, which protected Rayquaza and gave him an advantage.
Wolfe continued to manipulate the field and predict Jonathan’s moves in that same fashion for the rest of the match... until the timer ran out. When matches hit time, the winner is decided by number of remaining Pokemon (with ties broken by amount of HP left). Wolfe’s strategy allowed him to keep his Pokemon healthy because the opponent was so often locked out with Fake Out or put on the defensive thanks to Riachu, and that won him the round.
In the second match, Wolfe continued his checks-and-counters switching and focused more on dealing damage. He essentially won the match with a single prediction that put Jonathan in a hole he couldn’t get out of: Jonathan’s Groudon used Protect, anticipating a deadly hit from one of Wolfe’s many standing threats, and as if by premonition, Wolfe used the free turn to power up Rayquaza with Swords Dance. It put Jonathan far enough behind that he couldn’t recover, making Wolfe — who had competed in Worlds several times before but never won first place — the new Pokemon VGC Champion and $10,000 richer.
You can check out his winning team on Pokemon.com.
Congratulations to Pokemon VGC Champion Wolfe Glick!
Keep reading to hear how the Pokemon TCG champion blindsided the field with an adorable Pokemon and won $25,000!
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