A new trailer for Pokemon Sun and Moon debuted at the 2016 Pokemon World Championships, currently being held in San Francisco, showing off four new Pokemon coming to the latest generation of the game.
The latest look at the upcoming games reveals Crabrawler, Sandygast, Palossand, and Stufful as the latest additions to the new lineup. Check out all four newly revealed Pokemon in the trailer below.
Crabrawler, shown off during the World Championships keynote, is a Fighting-type crab Pokemon. Two sandcastle-themed Pokemon were also revealed in the trailer — Sandygast and its evolved form Palossand. Both are Ghost and Ground types with the Water Compaction ability.
The final Pokemon revealed was Stufful, which evolves into the already revealed Bewear. Like Bewear, Stufful is also a Normal and Fighting type Pokemon.
Another new Pokemon was also revealed during Gamescom 2016 this week, while more gameplay of Sun and Moon's new Battle Royal mode was also showcased.
Sun and Moon's Team Skull was also highlighted in a recent trailer for the upcoming pair of games, which also showcased the Alola forms of several Pokemon, including Raichu, Meowth, and Marowak.
For all of the newly revealed Pokemon and features coming to Sun and Moon, check out IGN's wiki for the games.
Stay tuned to IGN for more coverage of the 2016 World Championships, and for more on all things Pokemon, check out IGN's Pokemon show, Secret Base.
Jonathon Dornbush is an Associate Editor for IGN. Find him desperately searching for a Stufful plushie on Twitter @jmdornbush.
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