jeudi 25 août 2016

Graphic Novel Review: Omega Men - The End Is Here


May it please Omega.

Last year's DC You relaunch is generally regarded as a failure, and when it comes to A-List franchises like Superman, Flash and Wonder Woman, perhaps that's true. However, DC You also served as a breeding ground for some truly fantastic, ground-breaking reinventions of lesser-known DC properties. Above all, it gave us The Omega Men. A book like this is enough to make up for 100 lousy Superman crossovers.

With The Omega Men, writer Tom King and artist Barnaby Bagenda set about reviving the dormant science fiction franchise and giving it a modern spin. But far from simply providing DC with an answer to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, The Omega Men: The End Is Here displays a rare ambition. In chronicling a massive rebellion unfolding in a far corner of the DC Universe, King and Bagenda crafted a heartfelt story about the futility and ceaseless nature of war. Ignore the trippy sci-fi elements and super-powers and you have a very clear allegory for the conflict in the Middle East. How many superhero books can boast that?

Acknowledging that many readers aren't familiar with characters like Tygorr and Primus, King positions White Lantern Kyle Rayner as the central protagonist of this 12-issue series. Travelling to the embattled Vega System on a mission of peace and diplomacy, Kyle finds himself first a captive and then a willing member of a rebel group called The Omegas. These rebels are determined to bring down the "Alphas" who control the vast resources of the Vega System and, by extension, entire worlds. As lofty as the series can be, Kyle provides a useful and necessary anchor for readers to latch onto. Often the motivations of the other characters are left unclear. The Omegas fight for a noble cause but carry out questionable acts in pursuit of their ultimate goal. King keeps his cast of characters at just enough of a distance to suit the murky conflict while still taking great pains to explore their complex psychology and tragic pasts.

Again, The Omega Men isn't simply weaving another story of good battling evil. This isn't Star Wars. This is a tale of one group of extremists fighting another group in a war that seems to have no end and no shortage of suffering. Kyle's presence is all the more key given the binary nature of the conflict. There's Alpha and there's Omega, and Kyle, the one Lantern who's truly mastered all areas of the emotional spectrum, is determined to prove to his allies that there's a third option. The book is very much about hope in a better tomorrow, but also the pragmatic notion that war makes villains out of even the best of heroes. And it all ends with a very effective, meta-flavored rumination on the boundaries between fiction and reality.


Clearly, The Omega men is a very intelligent, high-minded comic, but there's also a burning passion that makes it such a compelling read. King clearly cares as much about his characters as he does crafting an allegory on modern war. Readers may not be familiar with Primus, Tigorr, Kalista or the rest coming into this book, but they'll fall in love with them long before the end. Entire issues are devoted to exploring the tragedies that molded and shaped them. The scope is often huge, but the series never loses sight of the individual players. And often the major battles are treated like an afterthought relative to those characters and their struggles. If war is both futile and inevitable, why dwell on the carnage?

The Omega Men has often been compared to Watchmen in terms of both its intelligent storytelling and its visual presentation. Chapter after chapter, Bagenda proves how timeless and effective that classic, nine-panel grid layout is. Bagenda makes great use of that grid to create repetitive imagery and methodically build a scene. His layouts are always orderly, but he always leaves room to expand his panels and give King's script a grander sense of scale. The art also parallels Watchmen in more specific ways towards the end of the story. It's enough to wonder how much King and Bagenda knew about DC Rebirth beforehand and whether this series will continue to pay off in unexpected ways.

Bagenda's art is elegant, if not necessarily brimming with detail. All that matters are that Bagenda's characters are highly expressive and his environments well defined. The rest falls to colorist Romulo Fajardo, Jr., who delivers career-defining work in these pages. Fajardo's colors bring a surreal quality to the series. More importantly, they bring a greater emotional intensity to the page, whether he's bathing panels in a sentimental orange glow or reflecting the cold vastness of space.

Fajardo's role is all the more crucial given the fact that Bagenda didn't illustrate all 12 issues of the series. Fajardo helps smooth the transition as guest pencillers like Ig Guara and Toby Cypress briefly step in. Even Fajardo steps down for one issue in favor of Hi-Fi. Overall, the book remains consistent in look and tone despite the occasional artistic turnover. Still, it's this is one case where DC's strict adherence to shipping deadlines could have been relaxed. The Omega Men didn't attract the audience it deserved on a monthly basis. Ideally, that will change now that the series is available in one, complete package. As terrific as that package is, it could have been ever so slightly better with a singular creative team.

The Verdict

More than any other comic of the New 52 era, The Omega Men is the book that shows what DC should aspire to. It ranks among the best Green Lantern stories ever told, but it's also a powerful allegory about war and the futile, cyclical nature of conflict. Too many readers missed out on this comic in monthly form, but now there's no excuse not to read it.

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