Several new roles for Game of Thrones are being cast for Season 7, and character descriptions for each have been revealed.
Warning: Potential spoilers for Game of Thrones: Season 7 to follow.
The batch of character descriptions encompass a variety of different roles, including a senior military officer, a tough warrior who's skilled at fighting, an attractive young lady and many more. None of the roles have specific names attached, only general titles.
Check out the full casting breakdown, courtesy of Watchers on the Wall, below.
- General, in the age range 40 – 55. He’s a senior military officer, and they’re looking for a white actor who uses the British RP accent. The actor is needed for the week of September 6th.
- Priest, in his 60’s. He’s a venerable priest with moral authority and gravitas. The show is seeking a white actor, using an RP accent, with characterful face for this part. He’s scheduled to shoot one week, from September 22nd.
- Warrior, in the 35 – 45 age range. The character is a tough-looking bruiser with the attack skills of a pit bull, and the actor needs to be great at fighting. He has a “considerable” amount of dialogue as well. It’s described as an “excellent part for a top-end actor.” Helpful clues in the description? We know it’s not a Dothraki character as the actor for the role is required to be white, and they’re asking for a neutral and non-posh English accent. This role is currently scheduled to shoot across October.
- Gate Guard, in his 20’s. The character is described as a “Confident, characterful, straight-talking Northern lad with a great face to play across a very excellent series of scenes.” They’re looking someone with wit, timing, and charisma. He’s currently scheduled to film between mid-October and mid-November.
- City Guard, in his 30’s. The show is casting for a city guard who intercepts a suspicious-looking person on his nightly patrol. They require an RP accent for this one. He’s set to shoot for a week in mid-October.
- Merchant, in his 40’s. The merchant appears at an inn during a busy evening. They’re seeking a character actor, for a non-combatant role. His appearance is more open, including ethnicity/race. That suggests a character appearing somewhere in Essos- or a place we’ve never been before, since Daenerys is now on the move. This part is scheduled to shoot the first week of November.
- Lovely Lady. Ah yes, what would Game of Thrones be without its courtesans and nudity. The show is casting for an attractive young courtesan who is sure of her own mind. It’s described as a “good speaking part” and casting notes that full nudity is required for the role. Similar to the merchant, the lovely lady’s physical appearance is open, indicating this role is for somewhere on Essos, or at a new location. She’s scheduled to shoot for one week in early October.
- Young Lord, in his late 20’s. He’s a tall, handsome young lord, and the show is looking for a white actor who uses the RP accent. He’s scheduled to shoot in the week commencing September 20th.
- Lieutenant, in his 20’s. The character is described as an athletic, physically fit, and disciplined warrior. Appearance-wise, they’re looking for someone not white, with Middle Eastern descent mentioned. This bears the hallmarks of a Dothraki character description. He’s set to shoot several days across three weeks, between mid-September and mid-November.
As noted by Watchers on the Wall, a large portion of the new character descriptions call for the use of an RP accent, which likely serves as an indication that much of the new cast will be closely tied to King's Landing.
Game of Thrones: Season 7 will be shorter than the previous six, and has a slightly smaller lineup of directors to go along with it.
While you patiently wait for the return of HBO's hit fantasy drama series next summer, read up on what the Game of Thrones creators have planned for Season 7 and then check out this production teaser from San Diego Comic-Con.
Alex Osborn is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his video content on YouTube.
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