Hey guys, this episode of Channel Surfing was actually recorded a full week ago - and then my computer died, with the recording on it and had to be brought in to be fixed. I was worried it wouldn't be retrievable, but happily it was! Albeit still going up very late, so apologies for that.
No time code for specific topics this week, as we have a long, general discussion about all of the big decisions that occurred in the past few weeks, as the broadcast TV networks (CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX and CW) made their final decisions on what shows they were canceling, which they were renewing and which new series they were ordering.
We react to some of the most notable among all the above categories, along with other interesting news of note that occurred going into the Upfronts, including Supergirl making a rare switch from one network to another.
Listen to our latest podcast by clicking the lovely red type below - right click to download.
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