Journey back into the Microverse.
Micronauts is one of many toy lines from the late '70s and early '80s that spawned a surprisingly robust mythology all its own. And 30 years after Marvel's Micronauts comic wrapped up, the franchise has found a new home at IDW. Whether that's cause for celebration or indifference may depend entirely on your prior attachment to the franchise. Micronauts #1 is a decent first issue, but it doesn't offer a strong hook for those who aren't familiar with the characters and their universe.
To a layman like myself, Micronauts #1 plays out like IDW's answer to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. There's a team of space mercenaries led by a roguish but ultimately kindhearted leader. It's a proven dynamic that works i nor out of the Marvel Universe. The rascally Pharoid Oz makes for an enjoyable protagonist, and his interaction with thrill-seeking teammate Phenolo-Phi is equally entertaining. The other two members of the team aren't particularly well developed yet, but all in all writer Cullen Bunn seems to have assembled a solid cast of characters.
The problem is that there isn't much in this issue to distinguish this particular science fiction universe. What makes the Micronauts mythology so unique and different? How is Baron Karza different from any number of grim, oppressive, heavily armored sci-fi villains? There's something to be said for a first issue that doesn't try to beat readers over the head with exposition and world-building. However, the downside to that approach is that Micronauts #1 doesn't do enough to stand out from the crowd. Even the concept of the Microverse is barely touched upon here.
Not having that prior connection to the franchise, it was more the creative team than the source material that piqued my interest here. David Baldeon's art was easily the biggest selling point, particularly in the wake of his cosmic Marvel experience working on Nova. Baldeon's expressive, dynamic style does more than the writing to give thes series its own distinctive voice. The problem is that Baldeon's work isn't very consistent in its execution. Baldeon himself handled layouts for this issue, with four artists and four colorists providing the finishing touches over those layouts. Needless to say, the line-work, coloring style and general tone of the book varies pretty wildly as one art team cycles into the next. That's not the ideal way to kick off any new series.
The Verdict
If you're not old enough to already be in the Micronauts loop, IDW's won't necessarily show you what all the fuss is about. This first issue introduces a perfectly decent team of space mercenary heroes, but it doesn't do enough to establish the parameters of this universe or what actually make sit special and unique. And the appeal of seeing David Baldeon run wild in that universe is slightly diminished by the inconsistent visual quality in this issue.
Editors' Choice
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